W3C SW Dev

Transforming SHOE to RDF

First, we define some RDF terms (classes, properties) corresponding to terms from the shoe spec[Shoe]. This is maintained as HTML and available as RDF via a transformation.

Note that these are only the terms from Shoe markup and the shoe spec that are not shoe categories/relations/types themselves. The RDF form of things like .STRING is taken from the Shoe ontology, via shoe-swell.xsl, an XSLT transformation. For example, the shoe base ontology in RDF is derived by machine from the shoe base ontology.




Try it out

requires xhtml-ized shoe pages@@


input data:

Source Code




SHOE 1.01 Proposed Specification Sean Luke and Jeff Heflin SHOE Project April 28, 2000

Dan Connolly
$Revision: 1.18 $ of $Date: 2000/08/11 21:37:52 $ by $Author: connolly $