RDF Logo Ideas

Maintained by: danbri

This page serves as a wrapper pointing to suggestions and discussion concerning logo(s) for RDF and RDF-based applications, services and vocabularies.


RDF is not intended to be highly visible to end users; used right, nobody knows it is there. Many RDF applications aren't apparent as such. For example, Netscape's "What's Related service" is claimed to be the largest XML and (pseudo-)RDF application in existence. All Netscape 4.06+ browsers use an XML/RDF-based protocol to communicate with a Web annotations server. The UK Mirror Service uses gigabytes of RDF to manage and search a huge archive of mirrored documents and software. Daniel Veillard's RPMFind is widely used in the Linux community. All of these might make useful showcases for the use of RDF if they were more visible as such.

More context: people are creating RDF logos anyway, eg. Eric Miller's site, XMLHack. It's worth thinking about whether a common logo would be worthwhile, and what we could say about fair/sensible usage of this in the absence of a formal test suite for RDF model or syntax.

@@todo: links to existing W3C logos (URL?), guidance on cosntraints for their design and deployment etc...

Ideas for discussion

Here are all the RDF logo suggestions I'm aware of...

3D thingy

I think Eric Miller produced this in 1997 sometime, based on something from the SGML tradition.

3d thingy

ILRT/chipchase strawman design

These suggestions (below) came about after discussion between danbri and Jan Chipchase of ILRT during the autumn. Dan and Janet discussed these briefly 1999-11, concerns about dimensions, font etc and IPR. Jan created these as a favour and will pass on vector originals, copyright etc if there is interest in progressing this design. Contact DanBri in first instance about this...

Note: consider these a strawman proposal. I'm happy to use something else. The idea with this design was to suggest something of the RDF model (relationships/links based) in the logo, without getting too detailed. The MyRDF and XMLHack logos below also attempt this.

Jan: "These logos cut out as 16 colour gifs. Designed for white background. Final version can include a transparent border."

RDF - GG:1099-40-12-1RDF - GG:1099-40-12-2RDF - GG:1099-40-12-3  
Powered by RDF - GG:1099-40-12-5   Powered by RDF - GG:1099-40-12-6   Powered by RDF - GG:1099-40-12-7 border=0 hspace=5 vspace=5 align=  
Powered by RDF - GG:1099-40-12-8  

Other ideas

Eric Miller is using a 'building blocks' design to represent RDF

Eric's Logo

XMLHack.com (news/commentary site) have a regular RDF slot and have created a square logo to represent this. XML hack RDF logo

The RDFViz tool can now generate SVG views of RDF graphs. This suggests a design goal: RDF logo in SVG format...

Maintained by: danbri